Thursday, January 22, 2009

Neck & Body Brace Fashion - The Future of Body Braces?

The future of neck and body braces? Fashion - Your Thoughts Please?

We're all big time cell phone addicts and even an accident that culminates into a terrible neck twist or back injury does not allow us to refrain from the gadget. Designer Francesca Lanzavecchia who obtained her Masters degree at the Design Academy of Eindhoven by doing her thesis project on "ProAsthetics Supports", has come up with this wonderful invention that lets you chat away to glory without having to hold your phone or twisting your neck. A new twist on the body brace and neck brace make neck back and body braces more visible, viable and trendy. The question is would you prefer a traditional neck brace with a phone in the hand and a traditional body brace and cloths with pockets. These braces certainly make a statement (will they call attention to you? - YES!!! All you have to do is wait for this design to turn into reality. Nevertheless, I wouldn't feel awkward to go outside my home; rather I'd love to flaunt these cool braces! Remember the theme of this blog. If you have to wear a neck, back or neck back body brace don't be ashamed, go out and enjoy and have fun with it. You might as well, your most like going to have it for a while. Can't you just see the look on the doctor's or orthodist face when you walk and ask if I am going to need a neck, back or neck back body brace can I have one of these. Can you imaging waling down the mall? Comments welcome

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think more important than how it looks would be how comfortable it is. I've never had to wear a back brace, but in January had to wear a neck brace for a few days. Initially it was a bit annoying, but you get used to it. Fortunately it was just one of the soft foam types. Years ago I was having neck problems as a result of a car accident and the Dr. recommended a hard collar. I got one from the pharmacy, I believe it was called Philadelphia, and I couldn't wear it very long because it was so hot. I made due with the soft one the Dr. gave me. So that's why I say comfort over style. The hard collar definitely did a better job of keeping my head and neck still but the one in this picture doesn't look "breathable" if that makes any sense. Guess you'd have to try it to know.